Kenpo vormen, volgens Rainer Schulte

​Het volgende artikel werd door Rainer Schulte op Facebook geplaatst. Rainer introduceerde eind zeventiger jaren namens Ed Parker zijn Kenpo systeem op het vasteland van Europa. 

Ed Parker en Rainer Schulte in 1978

My thoughts on Forms in Ed Parker’s American Kenpo!

Back in the 60s and 70s we learned Form 1 to 3 in short and long.

We learned 4, 5 and 6 period. Seven was in the making and geared to be a Knife Form.

4, 5, and 6 were NOT in the curriculum as short or long.

We had to perform the Forms for our Test’s as well as performing “our own” Form.

Some of these “own” forms E.P. liked and some he did not. They did not qualify or disqualify

you to be graded.  If you were performing  Forms at a “Kenpo Form competition”  you would have received low marks if you cut them short.

In Tournaments you are judged on your “Performance” not if you did the Form according the way it should have been taught. 

We have a System called Ed Parker’s Kenpo Karate. The names for the Techniques are still the same as when they were written, just the Five Count was changed to Five Swords. Techniques are done according to your physical and mental capability, thus called “Style” As we all know it is always open for interpretation & other opinions.

The Forms are the Forms. When it came to Techniques he would say ‘Use what you like’..’Discard what you don’t find Useful’ but never eliminate, because it may become ‘Useful ‘ at another time or to someone else! 

The original way the Forms were taught in the 60s & 70’s era has made some changes depending upon who it was taught to or from. I think Richard Planas sets the position of being the person best suitable for knowing the answers to most question when it comes to Forms.

When they reached the more advanced stages it was termed Form 4, 5, & 6

The Forms 7 & 8 were being played with as a Knife & Club set (Form)…only later to be reversed where the Club was first & the knife would follow..again depending on who you ask. 

Mike Pick will tell you that the concept was to originally have 10 Forms being the final number within the Kenpo system based on the notion the art had rank up to a 10th Degree Black Belt.

The concept of doing a personal Form or known as a ‘Thesis ‘ form was to allow Ed Parker to see how a particular student could engineer their creativity & he would invite an open minded thought process just to assess his students thinking process.

It was known Tom Kelly created the ‘Kicking Set’, as Chuck Sullivan created the ‘Staff Set’.

As for the ‘Nunchaku Set’, ‘Elbow Set’, and ‘Striking Set'(Punching set) it was said Master Rick Avery was behind the ‘Nunchaku Set’, Gary Ellis with the ‘Elbow Set’ & Guru Dan Inosanto was the person behind the ‘Striking’ set aka ‘Punching Set’ because his strong background in the Chinese Systems (Wing Chun)..ect.. 

I believe it was Ernie George who brought the Knife Form (7) to the forefront at the time he was under Tatum…and it was being endorsed as a ‘IKC Tournament’ form….not a realistic Knife Form as many may think. This brings the clear understanding a to the direction the other Forms like 8, 9 & 10 where in the research of Single Dagger to Double Dagger Forms to show a progression. As a matter of fact Mike Pick still has the photo stills in his archives of the project.

We need to remember Ed Parker was constantly methodically thinking…and he had a series of future books that would compliment his research. These books were called ‘Speak with a Club’ & ‘Speak with a Knife’. He also was writing an Empty hand book called the use of  ‘Every Day Gestures’.